.. _lts_next: ============ The Next LTS ============ The Long Term Stability releases of Avocado are the result of the accumulated changes on regular (non-LTS) releases. This section tracks the changes introduced on each regular (non-LTS) Avocado release, and gives a sneak preview of what will make into the next LTS release. What's new? =========== When compared to the last LTS (82.x), the main changes to be introduced by the next LTS version are: Test Writers ------------ Test APIs ~~~~~~~~~ Utility APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Users ----- Output Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Loader Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Varianter Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Runner Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Complete list of changes ======================== For a complete list of changes between the last LTS release (82.0) and this release, please check out `the Avocado commit changelog `_.