.. _advanced-logging: Advanced logging capabilities ============================= Avocado provides advanced logging capabilities at test run time. These can be combined with the standard Python library APIs on tests. One common example is the need to follow specific progress on longer or more complex tests. Let's look at a very simple test example, but one multiple clear stages on a single test: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../examples/tests/logging_streams.py Currently Avocado will store any log information that has been generated during job run into specific log files based on used logging namespace and process where the logs have been generated. Avocado generate three types of log each of them with different purpose: **1. job.log** The `job.log` file is generated for each avocado job and it is stored directly in `log_dir` directory. This file contains only logs from `avocado.job` namespace and holds information about job configuration and test statuses which were run inside the job. The format of logs is::