.. _tests-api-reference: Test APIs ========= At the most basic level, there's the Test APIs which you should use when writing tests in Python and planning to make use of any other utility library. The Test APIs can be found in the :mod:`avocado` main module and its most important member is the :class:`avocado.Test` class. By conforming to the :class:`avocado.Test` API, that is, by inheriting from it, you can use the full set of utility libraries. The Test APIs are guaranteed to be stable across a single major version of Avocado. That means that a test written for a given version of Avocado should not break on later minor versions because of Test API changes. This is the bare minimum set of APIs that users should use, and can rely on, while writing tests. Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: avocado :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: